Curious about changlog

The changelogs are terrible. Auto-generated Git commits are better.

This is what a changelog (and agile development) should look like: (Justin Frankel, best known for Winamp, GNUtella, Nullsoft Installer etc.)

Minor updates are usually just bug fixes and stability improvements, hence why we don’t log anything specific about what’s changed there.

Read the room. You make an IDE, and 100% of your user-base is developers. :laughing:

Easy Solution:
Call what you have now Release Notes, and include a full changelog somewhere else.


In future, a agent_requirements.txt could include agentic instructions for it to monitor change logs for all sorts of dependencies and auto check for required_actions which it may need to do…

It will be interesting with any app one might produce h a tiny state_agent that it runs with a tiny llm specific to ittself so that pays attention to its implementation.