Cursor Auto complete stopped working suddenly

I am using pro subscription

2024-10-11 15:58:19.688 [info] CURSOR LOG: Finished creating provider!

2024-10-11 15:58:27.539 [info] CURSOR LOG: creating client to

2024-10-11 15:58:27.540 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated f9faf3c6-b1be-4759-96b0-4dec4081a8f6

2024-10-11 15:58:36.432 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated df881ac0-a765-4fd8-ac8a-2fd3b8d5b357

2024-10-11 15:58:43.561 [info] CURSOR LOG: creating client to

2024-10-11 15:58:43.562 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated c948da7d-e7fb-4e5a-98b5-f6677efe9b50

2024-10-11 15:58:45.446 [info] CURSOR LOG: Error in streaming cpp [canceled] This operation was aborted

2024-10-11 15:58:45.448 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done c948da7d-e7fb-4e5a-98b5-f6677efe9b50

2024-10-11 15:58:45.498 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated 9cae4292-36b0-414b-a949-f7f4812aa9ba

2024-10-11 15:58:48.359 [info] CURSOR LOG: Error in streaming cpp [canceled] This operation was aborted

2024-10-11 15:58:48.359 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done 9cae4292-36b0-414b-a949-f7f4812aa9ba

2024-10-11 15:58:48.417 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated ca74d8e6-901f-4499-bf40-5fb77264c168

2024-10-11 15:58:48.792 [info] CURSOR LOG: Error in streaming cpp [canceled] This operation was aborted

2024-10-11 15:58:48.793 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done ca74d8e6-901f-4499-bf40-5fb77264c168

2024-10-11 15:58:48.850 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated 6d83a6a9-27b9-4154-9997-65bc427a546d

2024-10-11 15:58:49.229 [info] CURSOR LOG: Error in streaming cpp [canceled] This operation was aborted

2024-10-11 15:58:49.229 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done 6d83a6a9-27b9-4154-9997-65bc427a546d

2024-10-11 15:58:49.285 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated 796f8463-3e43-4a01-b364-79321119ab1b

2024-10-11 15:58:51.018 [info] CURSOR LOG: Error in streaming cpp [canceled] This operation was aborted

2024-10-11 15:58:51.018 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done 796f8463-3e43-4a01-b364-79321119ab1b

2024-10-11 15:58:51.083 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc initiated 0f55c5d9-0c00-4d0c-91af-adcb250e7ba0

2024-10-11 16:00:00.879 [info] CURSOR LOG: Error in streaming cpp [canceled] http/2 stream closed with error code CANCEL (0x8)

2024-10-11 16:00:00.880 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done f9faf3c6-b1be-4759-96b0-4dec4081a8f6

2024-10-11 16:00:00.880 [info] CURSOR LOG: Error in streaming cpp [canceled] http/2 stream closed with error code CANCEL (0x8)

2024-10-11 16:00:00.880 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done df881ac0-a765-4fd8-ac8a-2fd3b8d5b357

2024-10-11 16:00:12.524 [info] CURSOR LOG: Aborting streaming cpp with id 0f55c5d9-0c00-4d0c-91af-adcb250e7ba0

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] CPP RT LOG: Time taken for streaming cpp 81439.50268554688 with request 0f55c5d9-0c00-4d0c-91af-adcb250e7ba0

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] =======>No stream again 0f55c5d9-0c00-4d0c-91af-adcb250e7ba0

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] Average of latest 20 ttft time NaN

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] Average of latest 20 stream time NaN

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] Average of latest 20 total time NaN

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] Average of latest 20 client time 81439.50268554688

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] Average of latest 20 discrepencies NaN

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] CPP RT LOG: All stats {“streamingtime”:81439.50268554688,“actualTtftFromStart”:-1728633531018.5,“timeTillServerRequest”:64.23974609375,“requestToTtft”:-1728633531082.7397,“totalTime”:81503.71826171875}

2024-10-11 16:00:12.525 [info] CURSOR LOG: restFunc done 0f55c5d9-0c00-4d0c-91af-adcb250e7ba0

2024-10-11 16:01:30.685 [error] Error Checking Connection: [internal] Stream closed with error code NGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAM

Version: 0.41.3
VSCode Version: 1.91.1
Commit: 51c8aff7cb5a89f4a0e462fbacab938bdbfaf140
Date: 2024-09-25T17:13:50.377Z
Electron: 29.4.0
ElectronBuildId: undefined
Chromium: 122.0.6261.156
Node.js: 20.9.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22621

Hi @justinj

Try turning off HTTP2 in the settings. Here’s how you can do it: