Cursor codebase indexing stuck at Loading... when project is opened in a devcontainer

I have a codebase project directory opened in Cursor. This codebase supports reopening in a devcontainer within Cursor. The Codebase indexing functionality works correctly when I open the project directory locally. However, when I reopen in the devcontainer, the codebase indexing fails and is stuck in the “Loading…” state. Is there a workaround for this issue?

Example when project is opened in devcontainer

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Here is an example of the Codebase indexing succeeding when the project codebase is opened locally and not in a devcontainer.

You should check here in this other thread for some possible resolution steps if you’re still facing this issue:

Do note that some users are saying the workaround no longer works in the latest version of Cursor (0.44.5+)

I have the same issue, devcontainer indexing is stuck at loading. What I noticed is that when trying to lookup the included files, it says that the file doesnt exist. Version: 0.44.11
VSCode Version: 1.93.1