Cursor freezes every few seconds

since a few days cursor freezes every few seconds for about 3-5 seconds. The chat is frozen and I cant enter anything. Anyone else have similar?

i added a lot of rules as mdc files could it be the reason?

:laptop: Tell us your operating system and your Cursor version (e.g., Windows, 0.x.x).
Windows 10, last Version of Cursor
:prohibited: Tell us if the issue stops you from using Cursor.
not right now but its annoying

Hey, try opening or creating a new project and check if the issue persists. If not, then the problem might be specific to this project.

it doesn’t freeze if I open a different project… what can I do?
my project isn’t that big…

It might be related to having too much history in your chats. Try deleting some of it.

Thats not really a solution, since the AI needs the history of the chat to help appropriate - I assume.
And if the chat history makes problems, there is something badly programmed. especially becouse my Project is not very big. I think i didnt chat very much in comparison to big and long projects.

Can I save the chat history somewhere and get it back later, so I can test your hint?

You can try exporting your chat history to Markdown using this extension:

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Thanks for your help.

I deleted it now. but somehow, now the ai doenst recognize my code anymore. despite of i have a Rule which says “scan though all my existent code before you write new files or functions. and add to exist files”

before I deleted the chat, I didn’t have to mention my files where I want to change code.

Any Idea?

Is your codebase fully indexed? Are you using the agent or ask mode?

Found any solution for this? Really annoying when it freezes all the time. Last time I hade to reinstall to get it working. Not a viable soluton. How do I delete parts of chat history (oldest stuff not really relevant)? How do I clean "cache?

What does actually SpecStory do? Just Export chat history? Or clean out History from Cursor?

Its indexed yes, I use edit mode

Well deleting chat history helped.

Deleting history you can in the top corner of the chat there is a circling arrow symbol

Before that i installed specstory it exports the history in md files.
You can then include these files for the ai but i dont like that solution. In my opinion the chat history should never get to a state where cursor is freezing.

That needs a investigation from the devs


But How to include Chat files? Just Put the Folder with specstory in a projectfolder and .gitignore and and to Cursor rules that if needs to check history to look inte that folder?

i think specstory itself has a feature to create rues out of the history.

But I would try cretaing a rule out of your history, by simply asking the AI, “create a rule out of <@historyfolder>” and make sure the rule is in the rules folder