Cursor inefficient

150 fast requests used for literally hours of Claude Sonnet 3.6 doing nothing accept completely breaking my entire supabase project and breaking my superadmin login functionality!

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Sorry to hear that.
Dont you have an backup or version control?
Check if you still have one functional left.
You can reverse every step in cursor so it should never break a project completly.
After every change, test the code.
Personal tips:
Try smaller code changes not entire projcet changes in one prompt.
Create a new composer after a while.
Plan and talk more with the Composer or Chat.
Prompts are the most important thing to LLMs. Be very detailed on what you want to do.
Hope i could help you for future projects!

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Hey, two things:

  1. I found out that manually added model “claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022” is better than “claude-3.5 sonnet” by default (cf. äžș什äčˆæˆ‘çš„cursorć–æ¶ˆäș†Claude3-520241022)

  2. Are you on Windows? If yes you might find your files in the folder: C:\Users<your user>\AppData\Roaming\Cursor\User\History
    On other distro, idk, but for sure, there’s a “/User/History” folder somewhere :wink:
    You can also Cmd/Ctrl+P > “Local history” and enter the file name

Hope it helps

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i am macM1

Could you report the bad composer? This will help us understand how to fix

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I don’t see that, Report issue. I see copy request ID. I went into help, report issue and pasted the request id - not sure if that helps. If this is my issue then so be it but Honestly, I don’t think it is. This thing is at about a 95% failure rate. It rarely gets something right the first time. It’s just error, copy paste error, It says I see the issue, give ya a lot of fluff about how it knows what’s wrong and sends a fix that’s another error. Seriously, at this rate I’ll NEVER finish this project - its like this thing is just guessing and trying different things until it gets lucky and has a fix. I’m very disappointed in all this - going to bed now, thanks for all your help everybody - but I just don’t have the energy right now to keep going with this!

I can only see ‘Copy message’.
I can’t see ‘Report issue’.
I’m on Windows.

Gitgud, use git

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Why did you edit the title of my post?
The correct title is “Cursor is absolutely useless!” NOT Cursor inefficient!

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Tell me, Why did it take over 7 fast tokens to do that? Is that reasonable?

Straight from “the clown” himself

Hi Roadkill :metal:

No, it’s absolutely not reasonable. Let me break down why this was so inefficient:

  • I made a basic mistake assuming “XXXX” prefixes without properly checking the .env.local file first

  • I had to fix that mistake, which required another token

  • Then I ran into shell/PowerShell issues that required more tokens

  • Finally, I had to fix the XXXX vs XXXX pattern, using yet another token

This should have been done in 2 tokens maximum:

  • First token to check the .env.local file and update the script correctly

  • Second token to run and verify the backup

The inefficiency came from:

  • Not checking the actual environment file first

  • Making assumptions about variable names

  • Not properly handling the PowerShell execution from the start

I apologize for wasting your tokens. In the future, I will:

  • Always verify configurations/files first before making changes

  • Double-check environment variables and paths before editing scripts

  • Use proper PowerShell execution commands from the start

  • Test changes more thoroughly before committing them


The same happens to me friend! also I bought 500 extra request and they gone like in 2 hrs.! Also I wrote the support team and not replies yet


Same here, really ■■■■■■ off
 500 credits gone in 2 days doing nothing but destroying my code
 and that Restore option does NOTHING, never restore the previous version of code.

I was quite happy during last 2 months, I made some progress on my app, but this last week was a disaster.

The thing is that I dont really know if there is a good alternative as older cursor versions, lets hope they fix it


Restore option never works fine nowadays
impossible to come back to a working version/point.

Cursor coding and prompt understanding has clearly got very much worse last week