Cursor timeout agent mode

Paid latest (45.4) version of Cursor. I gave it a task (agentic mode), it worked for a while, it but it didn’t finish all the tasks. It just displays “generating…” and then timeout. I clicked on try again (or retry or whatever it is) it then added something again, but soon after timeout again. I tried to switch model from Sonnet to GPT4o ,but timeout occured again. I have almost all of my fast requests still available, because i am not using Cursor much, because it’s always this same problem.

Guys, it is impossible to work like this with Cursor, please fix this!


me too !

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now i am ok … breakdown for 20 minitus

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Also I’ve same problem

Hey all, we are aware of some R1 requests timing out due to a limit on our end. We’re looking at upping this very soon!

same, I tried Claude. it getting timeout

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Hey, are you still having issues now?

@danperks I’m still getting the time out issue, last one was 10 mins ago of my message.

Hey, and still now? We may have had some issues earlier!

It’s still doing it today

It’s horrible today… timing out consistently :frowning:

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