I am a fairweather dev, so I don’t need this all the time, but when I do need it I want 100% of the capability without errors and lazyness from the Ai.
What % of outtages and service degradation Cursor’s fault and what % is Anthropic’s?
Now Anthropic is 100% down, Anthropic Status
but cursor is up; Cursor Status
I am assuming because if a single model is up they consider it 100% up.
we know that is untrue. What about if cursor makes a load gauge? where it shows how many people are active on the application making requests to Claude- for me nothing else matters (Deepseek is pretty good)
this way I can check cursors current load, if its 110% then I know I won’t get much work done, and can use it later when its less busy.
weekends are pretty much toast- its useless, a load monitor would tell me that.
I know this is beta software and we are literally on the edge of Ai, its still super new but my time is my time, and I really like using this- WHEN IT WORKS, AND ITS FUN. When it is overloaded, it wastes my time, worse it makes me code badly that I have to clean it up later- maybe that later would be overloaded too. I have no idea, right now.
Is this a crazy or redundant idea? too niche?