DeepSeek Reasoner Model Fails Due to Unsupported `temperature` Parameter

When using the newly released deepseek-reasoner model in Cursor, it fails to execute due to an unsupported parameter error. The error message states:

{"error":{"message":"deepseek-reasoner does not support the parameter `temperature`","type":"invalid_request_error","param":null,"code":"invalid_request_error"}}

This suggests that Cursor is passing a temperature parameter to deepseek-reasoner, which it does not support.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Select deepseek-reasoner as the model in Cursor.
  2. Attempt to run any prompt.
  3. Observe the error message indicating that temperature is an unsupported parameter.

Expected Behavior:
Cursor should recognize that deepseek-reasoner does not support the temperature parameter and avoid passing it in the request. Or not provide the temperature parameter by default (it’d be great if we can configure those values by model in the interface, and potentially set them to None)

Blocking Issue?
Yes, this prevents users from using deepseek-reasoner within Cursor.