Docs indexing status shows incorrect states - working doc shows 'indexing' while failing doc shows 'indexed'

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Describe the Bug

Newly added documents show as indexed in UI but fail with connection errors when referenced, while previously indexed documents show as “Indexing…” but remain fully functional. This creates confusion about document availability and causes reference failures.

Steps to Reproduce

Add as reference document
Wait for indexing to complete
Add vscode-prompt-tsx repository as new document
Observe UI showing new document as indexed
Attempt to reference @vscode-prompt-tsx
Observe connection errors and filesystem provider errors

Expected Behavior

Document indexing status should accurately reflect actual availability
Successfully indexed documents should be referenceable
Re-indexing status should not affect document availability

Screenshots / Screen Recordings

Operating System


Current Cursor Version (Menu → About Cursor → Copy)

Version: 0.44.9
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: 316e524257c2ea23b755332b0a72c50cf23e1b00
Date: 2024-12-26T21:58:59.149Z
Electron: 30.5.1
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.16.0
OS: Linux x64 5.15.0-130-generic

Additional Information

This may be related to Cursor’s migration to Turbopuffer for document indexing. The inconsistent states (working doc showing as ‘indexing’ while failing doc shows as ‘indexed’) could be a side effect of the transition between storage systems. Including this context in case it helps with debugging, but the core issue is the misleading UI state regardless of the underlying cause.

Does this stop you from using Cursor

No - Cursor works, but with this issue