Does it create in one file by design? Doing minimum amount of work possible

I tried different languages, web and mobile platforms and in any language it will no matter what type of app you build, it always put all the code, everything in one main file. For web it’s something like index.js. While almost any other code AI will split code into MVC layer files, files for classes, etc.

Like it’s very lazy and will always do minimum amount of work unless you tell it to.

Or I ask “Create app form submit page for this API documented here, these form fields.” , It would create page and you can see it, but form fields do not respond to clicks. When I ask about it, it says “oh yes, let’s activate those form fields in controller so it actually works”. Like you have to chew it out in minor detail that you want a form that can be submitted, and form fields actually responding to clicks and working.

Do you put that basic instructions in configuration? “write modular code” literally? It is a such a basic thing that I seriously don’t know how to say it.

Separate code into logical files

or something like;

Make file for every class. Unless it’s a class with one property or one method, but if it’s one large method if it’s large then should go into separate file. Or if it’s an inline class, do you know those? and why I have to describe basics to you?…

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