Drag & Drop Screenshots in Composer doesn't work anymore

Have others experienced this too? That the drag & drop of screenshots in composer is not working, that they are not being added to the message. Plus when copy/pasting the pictures, it is recognized but they appear super big and when I send the message, the screenshot disappears and it was if it was never there.

Hi @GD2

Can you take a screenshot of how it looks and what response you get from the AI?

So tried it out and the drag & dropping is still not working and as you can see in the screenshots, they are still not being passed into the chat for some reason. Thank you for your reply. Btw I can only add & embedded item, so I’ll share the other screenshot in another message

If you create a new Composer and upload a screenshot into it, will that solve the problem?

No, so I tried it and the the size of the screenshots are less big so that’s good. But they are still not being passed into the chat for some reason.

I have also noticed that I can’t revert certain changes anymore in composer:

Plus when I want to change something in the texteditor before I send my message, I click on some part of the code and starts typing but the mouse goes back to end of the message, super frustrating so you need to manually with the up & down button go to the part of the message you want to edit… Wasn’t the case before

I deleted & installed Cursor again and it works again. It was an issue with a certain version of Cursor or something went wrong when installing it!

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