Attach Screenshots Images in Composer

Hi all,

I tried this prompt in the composer and attached a screenshot I keep getting the response.

Prompt: update UI as show in the image
Composer Response: I apologize, but I don’t have access to any image in this conversation.

If I send the same prompt in chat it works.

Prompt: update UI as shown in the image

Chat Response: To update the UI as shown in the image, you’ll need to create several components and style them accordingly. Here’s a high-level overview of how you might structure this in React: …(continues)

Dose the composer not accept images pasted in chat box ?

Disclaimer I am an amateur developer.


It’s a bug in Composer and Long Context chat:


Wonder if it was working in the previous version before today’s update.

It was working before 0.40 I think

Thank you for your report! Looking into it.


Noticing the same issue here, was definitely working before 0.40 (since I’d used it frequently!). I switched models from claude-3.5-sonnet and gpt-4o-mini mid-conversation & reattached the images and neither were able to see it.


Any updates on this ? I literally just subscribed 1 day ago and this started happening the next day. SMH.:person_facepalming:t2:

Seems like the current release was very buggy.

Any change of a roll back until all these issues are fixed or we just have to wait until someone gets the time to look at these ? Which I am assuming is a long time.

I was some how able to install and older version to test if screenshot attachment works in composer and it worked. I knew this is supposed to work since is saw it in some of the YouTube videos touting Cursor’s composer feature.

Below is the version I tried.
Version 0.39.6

But it forced auto update to 0.40.03 once I closed and re-opened it. SMH

For whatever time I was able to use this previous version . I found that it is not indexing all the project files.

I have no idea if this is useful information, but I am noting that when I attach an image to either composer or chat, 2 network calls are made which when previewed represent the attached image immediately upon adding the image to the chat or composer panel. However, when I finally press “Submit” in chat, a final 3rd network request is sent containing the image (and the AI correctly sees it), whereas when using composer, that 3rd network request is never made.


Any word on a planned fix? This was such a great feature of composer when it was in beta.


I’m also having the same issue, when i copy and paste an image into the chat, then hit enter it describes the image (i pasted in my directory structure)

In composer it shows the pasted image then when i hit enter, it apologizes as it cant see the image:


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Ok this is getting ridiculous. No response or any fixes offered. I am cancelling my sub and here comes a review.

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Yeah, seems like nobody listening to any feedback on bunch of issues everyone facing with every update. They are getting piled up without any resolution in sight.