This seems to be an ongoing problem with Cursor. I started using it over 3 months ago and it keeps happening on and off.

I have tried everything from making sure cursor is up to date, closing cursor, deleting the index, restarting the index, letting cursor on fresh opening of the app, let it take its time but never resolves.
So there are times where everything works perfect then there are times where for days, it will not index.
I have read a few posts on here now, and nothing listed helps.
Does anyone have any suggestions, or can the developers behind cursor tell me if there is a backend issue?
Normally it would resolve within a day or so in the first instances which told me, it was a backend bug that clearly was fixed but this keeps occurring now.
Considering Cursor whole purpose is to index a codebase to enable users to query using AI and this does not work, ive basically been without the application im paying for, for days.
I would like some kind of rebate on what ive paid also.
Hi @CursorSurfer
Can you check if this address is available: Also, take a look at the log records. You can see how to do this here:
Additionally, check the logs in the “Output” tab, like in my screenshot.
If everything seems fine, try reinstalling Cursor. In 99% of cases, this solves the issue, but make sure to do it properly as described here:
So it fails on the handshake every time and even with new install. It just hangs on “Handshake Start” constantly then ends with the error in the screenshot.
What could be the reason for this?
It had this issue at times when I first started using it but then went fine for weeks, then within the last week or more its been like this.
Edit: Seems like others had this same issue here: Handshake failed
So its not just me and its an ongoing issue with many others. Even here: Handshake Failed during codebase indexing · Issue #981 · getcursor/cursor · GitHub
Goes as far back as October 2023.
This happens from time to time if there are storage issues. Did you check the availability of the address I mentioned above? Also, are you using a VPN, Zscaler, firewall, or any other software that restricts your internet connection?
Hi I am using a company computer at this time yes and it does have VPN and Proxy based software but never been an issue in the past and yet now there is an issue. I also assumed that indexing was a local process, having seen the handshake attempt and connection with your own service I see now it isnt which seems odd. As I would have assumed it would be local process.
Is there anyway to index without needing to handshake? (as if it is due to VPN and they have made some change to those settings, then while im reaching out to them to ask, it be great if there was another way around this is that turns out to be true.)
I had just ran a command to disable proxy via terminal for the work proxy, and it worked, so I disabled my workaround and enabled your suggestion instead to see if this workaround worked, and this worked.
So this would be the solution to others with this issue.
Thanks for your help.
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