File tree on left is vertically truncated

Hi, I’ve noticed something strange about the left bar in Cursor, containing the file tree.

When opening a project, if the file tree and Timeline sections (but not outline) were previously expanded, then the file tree gets truncated vertically. It doesn’t do that in VSCode. I’ve attached a screenshot of the problem, comparing VSCode then Cursor side by side.

Thanks in advance!

Hey, you can resize it with your mouse.

Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I have been dragging down the bottom of the file pane to show more of the file tree, but it’s annoying to do that when it starts up. As the behaviour is different from VSCode, I assumed it’s a Cursor-specific bug. When VSCode starts up and the previous session had both File Explorer and Timeline expanded, it allocates room so that the panes are spaced out in a more equal way, as shown in the screenshot.