Folder and file are created outside my project directory

i am not sure what they did with the latest update but cursor for me is not usable right now, i have a flutter project and the folder and file for new widget and classes are being generated outside the root folder, in the older version i rarely had that issue.

is there a way to revert to an older version of cursor, this new one is not usable.

Chat seems to generate files to Apply, in the folder that Cursor has as it’s current root folder (ignoring what the project root is, sometimes, not reliably).

(I had ~/sites/color-palette, realized there is a plugin of that name already in the WordPress repository. I had Chat rename my plugin, which it did, but in ~/sites/color-palette/gl-color-palette-generator/ instead of renaming the folder to ~/sites/gl-color-palette-generator/ which would have been correct. Now Cursor has ~/sites/color-palette open, and Chat made and modified files in both folders, ~/sites/color-palette and ~/sites/color-palette/gl-color-palette-generator/ . I had to have Chat make a merge and then move everything to ~/sites/gl-color-palette-generator/ )

Question of Chat:
That Apply, again, is in the Wrong path:
How do I tell Cursor what the project’s root is?

Chat’s answer:

Ah, I see the issue. Cursor needs to be explicitly told about the project root. You can do this by:
Opening the Command Palette in Cursor (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P)
Selecting “Open Folder”
Navigate to and select /home/george/sites/gl-color-palette-generator/
Or, if you’re using the terminal:
cursor /home/george/sites/gl-color-palette-generator/
This will reopen Cursor with the correct project root, ensuring that all file operations use the correct base path.
Would you like me to wait until you’ve reset Cursor’s project root before continuing with the documentation?