Generator from JSON (Dart)

How to train cursor to generate for me a data model class in very custom way? (paste a json response => generate data model)

for ex; in Flutter I have this custom data model class:

class PlanModel extends SafetyModel {
  PlanModel({ = 0,
    this.sessionId = 0,
    this.time = '',
    this.title = '',
    this.connect = false,
    this.connectWith = const [],

  String time = '', title = '';
  int id = 0, sessionId = 0;
  bool connect = false;
  List<String> connectWith = [];

  PlanModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    id = intFromJson(json, 'id');
    sessionId = intFromJson(json, 'sessionId');
    time = stringFromJson(json, 'time');
    title = stringFromJson(json, 'title');
    connect = boolFromJson(json, 'connect');
    connectWith = listFromJson(json, 'connectWith', (x) => stringFromJson(x, ''));

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => <String, dynamic>{
        'id': id,
        'sessionId': sessionId,
        'time': time,
        'title': title,
        'connect': connect,
        'connectWith': connectWith.toList(),