Gpt-4o-2024-08-06 is already available in the API

A new version of GPT-4o has been released. In the Chatbot arena, it is better than Claude 3.5 Sonnet in coding and takes first place. It is also now available through the API.


It looks like I can add this model through the settings page in Cursor, but it would be great if it could also be integrated into the long-context chat.


would be great to hear from devs

It seems it’s possible to use in Long Context Mode already when adding chatgpt-4o-latest-128k to the models and then selecting it in the Long Context Chat!

Same seems to be true for gpt-4o-2024-08-06-128k.

I’m wondering which one is better. The arena only lists chatgpt-4o-latest atm, and it surpasses Claude Sonnet 3.5 in coding by 30 points, which seems very impressive.

However, this benchmark still lists Sonnet as the winner:

are you using pro cursor or your API? It doesn’t work for me on PRO plan

I switched to API to test these models.

** Update: **

It works for me if I use this model chatgpt-4o-latest and enter my OpenAI API Key.

** Original Post: **

I hadn’t added my OpenAI API key or a custom model before.

But just now, to test, I added:


(I also tried gpt-4o-latest and got the same behaviour)

And I created a secret (with ‘All Permissions’) at:

And I added the secret to Cursor Settings > Models > OpenAI API Key.

I started a new chat (Ctrl + L) in Long Chat Mode and asked:

hello - can you please tell me what model you are using?

I get a message that says:

The model chatgpt-4o-latest-128k does not work with your current plan or api key

Screenshots below show:

  • Attempt after adding model, without OpenAI API Key
  • Attempt after adding model, with OpenAI API Key
  • Developer Tools Console when testing gpt-4o-latest


It appears that the model used on Livebench AI is ‘chatgpt-4o-latest ,’ which seems to be specifically designed for the ChatGPT interface rather than API calls.

EDIT: Unfortunately, it looks like the issue persists with both model names in long context chat. Still waiting on the development team for a resolution.

Hey @litecode

Could you try entering the name “gpt-4o-2024-08-06”? This should work for now, but not for long contexts.

Hi @deanrie ,

Yes I can confirm the following models work when I have entered my OpenAI API Key and added the additional models in Cursor Settings > Models.

  • chatgpt-4o-latest
  • gpt-4o-2024-08-06 (this one seems to work without OpenAI API Key)

When I select them in Ctrl + L in Normal Chat mode, they both work :+1:.

Interestingly, the model names which i tried earlier that didn’t work, still show up in my usage at


Yes, I mean in the pro version.

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This model doesn’t work so well with Cursor for me. I don’t know if it needs fine tuned to work with Cursor’s backend like the other built in options we get but for now I will avoid it until it’s built in. It is not making coding changes or it’s breaking the code by adding changes without removing other code it should remove. I assume it is because it’s not fine tuned and was just manually added by me.