I have a hard time figuring out the features available for Hobby and Pro users.
I had a subscription for a month, then stopped it and now I’m a Hobby user.
I want to clearly understand what’s available and what’s not. Can you help me clarify the items below?
- Are autocomplete and slow premium requests uses permanent towards the quota?
I ask because I noticed I don’t have autocompletions anymore and I see you explicitly say “per month / per day” on the Pro description.
I can’t find autocomplete nor slow premium requests usage in my dashboard, I only see fast premium request and gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small usage, which was not even clear to me I would have on the free plan because it was not mentioned on the pricing card.
- The next question I have is, given that I apparently have these monthly fast premium requests (1st box, 50 uses) + fast gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small requests (2nd box, 200 uses) limits, why does usage report Last 30 days? Wouldn’t that be a monthly calendar or billing cycle period?
I interpret this label (Last 30 days) as: if I look at the data on 3/jan, it would tell me my use since ± 3/dec. If I look at it the next day, I’d see usage for period 4/dec - 4/jan, so on and so forth. That would mean if I had used 20x on 3/dec, when I looked at it on 4/jan my usage would’ve reduced by that amount, and increased by however many times I used on 4/jan (because my window is now 4/dec - 4/jan).
Intuitively I’d have expected it to be either monthly calendar or billing cycle period (if I would have purchased premium on the 15th of a month, my window would be 15/month - 15/next_month) - but even then because I’m on a free plan, the billing cycle period wouldn’t make sense…
Still on this page - the Premium models label doesn’t specify “monthly”, but I do see the term on the gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small box… is it an oversight? Is it intentional and for some reason Premium models are lifetime use?
I was curious about cursor-small and I found some short info about it in the docs (below). Question is: what does unlimited access mean? Are the docs simply outdated? Because when I use it it count towards my gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small use (200 per month)
- In the FAQ, the What are the premium models explanation seems targeted at the Pro plan. I assumed it’d be a generic section with universal explanations. This added to my confusion to making sense of what features/quotas are applied to each tier. Not exactly a question here but perhaps you could revisit this and try to make it clearer?