Help understanding plan features / Pricing section

I have a hard time figuring out the features available for Hobby and Pro users.

I had a subscription for a month, then stopped it and now I’m a Hobby user.

I want to clearly understand what’s available and what’s not. Can you help me clarify the items below?

  1. Are autocomplete and slow premium requests uses permanent towards the quota?

I ask because I noticed I don’t have autocompletions anymore and I see you explicitly say “per month / per day” on the Pro description.

I can’t find autocomplete nor slow premium requests usage in my dashboard, I only see fast premium request and gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small usage, which was not even clear to me I would have on the free plan because it was not mentioned on the pricing card.

  1. The next question I have is, given that I apparently have these monthly fast premium requests (1st box, 50 uses) + fast gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small requests (2nd box, 200 uses) limits, why does usage report Last 30 days? Wouldn’t that be a monthly calendar or billing cycle period?

I interpret this label (Last 30 days) as: if I look at the data on 3/jan, it would tell me my use since ± 3/dec. If I look at it the next day, I’d see usage for period 4/dec - 4/jan, so on and so forth. That would mean if I had used 20x on 3/dec, when I looked at it on 4/jan my usage would’ve reduced by that amount, and increased by however many times I used on 4/jan (because my window is now 4/dec - 4/jan).

Intuitively I’d have expected it to be either monthly calendar or billing cycle period (if I would have purchased premium on the 15th of a month, my window would be 15/month - 15/next_month) - but even then because I’m on a free plan, the billing cycle period wouldn’t make sense…

  1. Still on this page - the Premium models label doesn’t specify “monthly”, but I do see the term on the gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small box… is it an oversight? Is it intentional and for some reason Premium models are lifetime use?

  2. I was curious about cursor-small and I found some short info about it in the docs (below). Question is: what does unlimited access mean? Are the docs simply outdated? Because when I use it it count towards my gpt-4o-mini/cursor-small use (200 per month)

  1. In the FAQ, the What are the premium models explanation seems targeted at the Pro plan. I assumed it’d be a generic section with universal explanations. This added to my confusion to making sense of what features/quotas are applied to each tier. Not exactly a question here but perhaps you could revisit this and try to make it clearer?


bump ^^

500 fast premium requests per month

Usage (Last 30 days)
Premium models
500 / 500
You’ve hit your limit of 500 fast requests

Last April it used to say

“You’ve used 52 requests out of your 500 monthly fast requests quota.”

because I asked a similar question then

According to the ToS

My billing period is yearly and my subscription renews on 3 April 2025.

So why don’t my Fast Queries renew on 3rd of each month ?

My MidJourney renews on my montly sub date, where I also pay yearly.

why no response @Jakob this is serious business

Currently, we get 500 fast request quotas per month. After using up these 500 quotas, requests default to slow mode. However, I’m confused about how the counting works:

  1. If slow requests are also counted in the ‘Last 30 days’ usage window, we might perpetually stay in slow request mode. This is because once we exceed 500 requests (combining both fast and slow), we’ll always be over the limit in a rolling 30-day period.
  2. This would make more sense if the quota reset aligned with our billing period instead of using a rolling 30-day window. A fixed monthly reset would ensure we actually get to use our 500 fast requests each billing cycle.

Could you clarify how the counting system works and whether this could be adjusted to a billing period reset?"