High CPU usage on Macbook M2 (first time hearing fan noise)

Hi team,

I think the title is self-explanatory but the Cursor Plugin’s CPU usage is very heavy. Not sure if there is a fix to it?

Version: 0.29.1
VSCode Version: 1.86.0
Node.js: v20.10.0
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.4
Chip Apple M2 Pro
Memory: 32 GB



Hey, this may not be a Cursor problem at all, perhaps a some-kind plugin, try opening “Open Process Explorer” in the editor (cmd + shift + p) and look there.

There’s no such thing in Cursor? Is there a way to get it somehow?

You can open the process explorer from the “Help” menu inside the menu bar. In my case, uninstalling a few plugins resolved the issue.

i did solve the problem by remove eslint extension.
cause when i checked cpu by Open Process Explorer, eslint server.js using a lot.
after remove that i can use as before

But is there any way I can keep using the eslint extension? It’s sort of an important one used by me and everyone on my team.

I’m curious about this as well. The ESLint extension is impossible to use, but is a normal part of our workflow.

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I have the same issue. I’m currently on a Pro trial and was going to continue after it ends, but I am now inclined to reconsider. M1 Pro gets hot when using Cursor and eats a lot of power.

Any tips here?
I’ve been suffering a lot with CPU usage and notebook heating.

I opened the same project I’ve been working on with the Cursor on the Visual Code, and I have no trouble.

My settings:
Apple M2 Pro
16 GB