How can I paste into the text field (prompt area) instead of it adding a "snippet"?

I notice that, sometimes, cursor takes the information from my clipboard and adds it to my prompt in the form of like a snippet or a file for context. However, sometimes I just want to paste it into the actual text field. Is there a way to “force” this to happen?

For example, I have recently run across a ton of problems and decided, for this particular scenario, to write my prompt out in a new tab so I can just tweak it to get better results. In cursor, however, I can’t paste the contents of this, which is essentially a detailed question. If I paste this detailed question that I copied to my clipboard, I can’t actually click “Send” because the text field is empty, even though I’m trying to paste simple text in there.

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As a workaround, I have to copy my text out of Cursor, paste it into Slack (only tried Slack), copy it again, and then I can finally paste it into the text field.

I feel like I’ve got to be missing something very obvious here, but perhaps not. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Hey, try using the shortcut Cmd + Shift + V.

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Thanks a lot! This worked perfectly!!