How do i change from vsc to jetbrains?

Hi all.
When I first installed Cursor I choosed the VSC option. Now I want to use cursor with JetBrains, but when I uninstall cursor and reinstall it, it skips all the installation preferences and the installation goes straight to install cursor with VSC and all the previous preferences from the first installation. Is there a way to change this from cursor itself? Or do I have to find somewhere the installation file that prevent the installation to restart from scratch?


Cursor is only available in its VSC form.

That’s unfortunate.

I started the switch to cursor/vscode from webstorm just to use the AI functionality. After a week I switched back to webstorm+copilot. I just can’t get used to the vscode ui and missing features.

There’s so many little details in webstorm/jetbrains IDEs that assist with every day coding that just don’t exist in vscode/cursor. And hunting for the right plugin to get similar results takes a while and I end up dissatisfied.

I’ve canceled for now. Please consider adding support to jetbrains.


Same here, I really like the AI features, but vs code is just not up to par with intellij, any plans on supporting intellij? Would be an instant purchase for my whole company.

The Cursor devs can hardly just go fork intellij. Which–for some–is kind of the point

I’m not sure if everyone has solved this, but after trying for an hour today, I finally figured it out. You can use Revo Uninstaller to uninstall the cursor, which removes all the dependencies from the installation process. Then, just double-click the saved .exe file to reinstall it. Here’s the link: Download Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Free and Full Download. It’s still free, happy!!

Same here. I am using different products from JetBrains and would appreciate Cursor functionality there
VS code not that consistent as JetBrains IDEs

I am trying out Cursor and I would 100 percent be a power user if only it had Jetbrains integrations. Switching between two IDE’s is unfortunately not a flow I’m willing to compromise on and Jetbrains in all ways outclasses VSC for any professional or career coder. I will keep track of this topic but until there’s an integration I’m afraid I can’t see myself to subscribe to the service.

While we appreciate the concept, and wish we could build Cursor into every IDE, the power of Cursor comes from us being able to build with complete scope and control over the code inside our editor, which is why it is a standalone product.

While we never say never, it’s highly unlikely we will create a JetBrains plugin in the future.