How to clone repository using https

hi there!

where is the clone using https button. As i opened Cursor what do i need to do to open:
1 public repo
2 private repo using clone https


Hi @shingelevich ,

Cursor is a fork of VS Code:

Much of the functionality of VS Code is therefore available in Cursor.

So perhaps you are looking for the default Git functionality in VS Code?

If you open a folder in Cursor, you will see the Git icon in the Activity Bar.

You can also access Git functionality through the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and then type git.

Let me know if that assists or if you were looking for something else.

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thanks for answer.
imagine you want to open the friend Snake game project.
so you open the Cursor, then you go to chat gpt to ask how can i open the project.
chat gpt gave you the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P
R - stands for retention.
you know what i mean.