How to give Cursor @Docs and @http Links access to local content

I’m am trying to use the @Docs feature to pull in context from a server that runs locally (i.e. localhost:XXXX). However seems Cursor either cannot use or cannot access this documentation. Is there a way I can make this work, or does the content need to be accessible on the web for Cursor to make use of it?

Note: The local server is running locally at all times so it is not an issue of whether or not I can shut the server down.


I think it does have to be exposed to the web, similar to using custom OpenAI paths. Cursor’s servers will query it. You can maybe look into using something like to make your local server remotely accessible. They have a free tier that will probably be enough for your use case and there are some filtering/firewall/routing options you can setup to try to restrict connections.

Ah. Thank you. I have been trying to figure out how to do this as well. Have some proprietary source we’ve licensed and it would be really helpful to have it in docs.

They’re not public repos, either. The price tag is way too high for enterprise with a small shop.

Maybe they’ll do a pro+ subscription or something at some point.