I am using Linux remotely via WSL2 and I am having trouble with the title issue.
- OS: Windows10Pro
- Cursor: 0.18.5
What I’ve tried:
- I set “Workbench › Editor: Enable Preview” to false in the settings.
- Reinstallation of the cursor
Expected behavior:
- I want the files to open in a new tab when I open them.
Cursor extensions:
- FaroSystemAppender constructor
- aaron-bond.better-comments
- anysphere.pyright
- cschlosser.doxdocgen
- formulahendry.code-runner
- jeff-hykin.better-cpp-syntax
- KevinRose.vsc-python-indent
- mosapride.zenkaku
- MS-CEINTL.vscode-language-pack-ja
- ms-python.flake8
- ms-python.python
- ms-python.vscode-pylance
- ms-toolsai.jupyter
- ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap
- ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers
- ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags
- ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl
- ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack
- ms-vscode.cmake-tools
- ms-vscode.cpptools
- ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack
- ms-vscode.cpptools-themes
- oderwat.indent-rainbow
- toasty-technologies.octave
- tomoki1207.pdf
- twxs.cmake
- vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons
- mechatroner.rainbow-csv
- MS-CEINTL.vscode-language-pack-ja
Additional information:
- When I open VSCode on the same PC, it works as expected.