Issue conneting to docker container

I’m having a issue connecting a local docker container using Dev Container. When I connect I get this error, unsure if it’s due to cursor or not

[814 ms] Start: Downloading VS Code Server
[814 ms] 1a7903c409e3e915db28f4c124497660066e85a0 linux-arm64 stable
[937 ms] Failed to download VS Code Server ( HTTP 404 - Not Found
[937 ms] Retrying to download VS Code Server.
[976 ms] Error: Server returned 404
at l (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
at (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/

The new update 0.22.0 added support for Dev Containers.

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I have the latest version and it fails with an error:

[1415 ms] Failed to download VS Code Server 
HTTP 404 - The specified blob does not exist.


I have the same issue:

[1145 ms] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh
[1148 ms] Start: Downloading VS Code Server
[1148 ms] 63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870 linux-x64 stable
[1270 ms] Failed to download VS Code Server ( HTTP 404 - Not Found
[1270 ms] Retrying to download VS Code Server.
[1381 ms] Error: Server returned 404
    at c (vscode-file://vscode-app/tmp/.mount_cursorigfPJf/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:1179:48659)
    at (vscode-file://vscode-app/tmp/.mount_cursorigfPJf/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:1180:1878)
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Same here
I have an active subscription but I cannot use it now. I may cancel if this is not addressed
It was working up till a few days ago

[2024-09-21 19:52:15.705] Extension version: 0.88.2
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.705] L10N bundle: undefined
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.731] authorityHierarchy: wsl+ubuntu
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.731] WSL extension activating for a local WSL instance
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.745] Resolving wsl+ubuntu, resolveAttempt: 1
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.745] NodeExecServer run: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wsl.exe --status
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.777] WSL feature installed: true (wsl --status)
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.777] NodeExecServer run: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wsl.exe --list --verbose
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.807] 2 distros found
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.807] Starting VS Code Server inside WSL (wsl2)
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.807] Windows build: 22631. Multi distro support: available. WSL path support: enabled
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.807] Scriptless setup: false
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.808] No shell environment set or found for current distro.
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.913] WSL daemon log file: 
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.916] Probing if server is already installed: if [ -d ~/.cursor-server/bin/63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870 ]; then printf 'install-found '; fi; if [ -f /etc/alpine-release ]; then printf 'alpine-'; fi; if [ -s ~/.cursor-server/bin/compatibilty-check ]; then printf 'legacy-'; fi; uname -m;
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.916] NodeExecServer run: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wsl.exe -d Ubuntu -e sh -c if [ -d ~/.cursor-server/bin/63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870 ]; then printf 'install-found '; fi; if [ -f /etc/alpine-release ]; then printf 'alpine-'; fi; if [ -s ~/.cursor-server/bin/compatibilty-check ]; then printf 'legacy-'; fi; uname -m;
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.978] Probing result: legacy-x86_64
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.978] No server install found in WSL, needs linux-legacy-x64
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.978] Getting server from client side
[2024-09-21 19:52:15.979] Downloading VS Code Server stable - 63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870 into C:\Users\egcel\AppData\Local\Temp\vscode-remote-wsl\stable\63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870\vscode-server-stable-linux-legacy-x64.tar.gz.
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.415] Unable to download server on client side: Error: Request downloadRequest failed unexpectedly without providing any details.. Will try to download on WSL side.
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.415] NodeExecServer run: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wsl.exe -d Ubuntu sh -c '"$VSCODE_WSL_EXT_LOCATION/scripts/" 63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870 stable cursor-server .cursor-server --host= --port=0 --connection-token=2425486934-3901921292-1331812086-1447691699 --use-host-proxy --without-browser-env-var --disable-websocket-compression --accept-server-license-terms --telemetry-level=all'
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.727] Setting up server environment: Looking for /home/gekctek/.cursor-server/server-env-setup. Not found.
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.727] WSL version: Ubuntu
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.727] Updating VS Code Server to version 63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.727] Removing previous installation...
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.727] Installing VS Code Server for Linux legacy-x64 (63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870)
[2024-09-21 19:52:16.727] Downloading:     
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.034] 100%
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.034] Failed
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.034] --2024-09-21 12:52:16--
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.034] Resolving ( 
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.341]
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.341] Connecting to (||:443... connected.
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.341] HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.396] 404 The specified blob does not exist.
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.396] 2024-09-21 12:52:17 ERROR 404: The specified blob does not exist..
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.396] 
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.396] ERROR: Failed to download to /home/gekctek/.cursor-server/bin/63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870-1726948336.tar.gz
[2024-09-21 19:52:17.396] For help with startup problems, go to
[2024-09-21 19:55:21.132] Download in background is enabled
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I have the issue, any updates? this is kinda critical lots of people write code directly in docker containers

Any update on this?