Key map to add current file as context

This one.

Here is a user flow

  • The user wants to use the “Chat” feature for assistance.
  • They know which files they want to include as context for the Chat.
  • Their current process for adding files to the Chat context is: (a) Navigate to a file (b) Click the “+” in the Chat input field (c) Select the current file from the menu (this removes it) (d) Click “+” again (e) Select the current file again (this adds it back, but now “pinned”) They do this twice because:
    • The first time removes the default “Current file” from context
    • The second time adds it back as a “pinned” file, so it stays in context even when navigating away
  • They repeat step 3 for each file they want to include in the Chat context.
  • Finally, they ask their question to the Chat.

My ask: A keyboard shortcut to quickly add the current file to the “pinned” context of the chat

These suggestions aim to streamline their workflow and make it easier to set up the desired context for their Chat sessions.

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