Hi guys! I’ve been testing Composer pretty intensely in recent days and quickly used more than 50% of fast requests. When running out of it, does it block Composer, or it’s just about the way you execute requests under the hood, regardless of the feature? Also, can you please comment on the pricing plan requirement + consider even basic “Composer FAQ” page somewhere?
I second that.
Composer is becoming the most important part of Cursor IDE. Precise explanation of what influence different plans have on it can become deciding factor for many.
Yeah, I love it, absolutely love it even as an experienced dev with 15 years experience, but am burning through my fast requests at lightspeed. Already at 250 after a bit over 48 hours (and I had a slow day yesterday even due to a power outage)
It’s amazing, but I cannot see myself spending anywhere between $60-$120 per month on this IDE just to get enough requests when I can use Phind’s claude3.5 sonnet’s 500 DAILY requests for $20/month, even if Phind’s vscode extension isn’t as good as cursor is, and even if I need to copypaste a bit more and manually apply changes… It’s hard to justify that pricetag, even though I use my IDE about 12 hours a day most days (work + personal projects)
phind can work on codebase on your pc also or only with vscode as extension?