Line limit, unable to split files

Im a non coder, i stumbled above ai coding when playing around with chatgpt. I found Cursor to be hillarious, when im in a creative mood. I “developed” an incremental game but soon stumbled upon the line limit, even with code split apart from the beginning in several files (java/html).

Since Cursor itself is unable to split code without causing a complete mess, im kinda stopped in my playground. It also ignores any kind of rules i set beforehand. Is there any way around this?

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ask the ai to split the code for you then import the secondary code into the main file.

im a complete noob i started my first code with cursor two months ago, i got frustrated when limited by apply button because my code was 1700+ lines.

now i split my 7000 line code into 10 files, using the corect imports there should be no problems, also train the ai to use your files and alway use ctrl+enter to use your codebase in the chat.

i usually get frustrated with cursor for many many things, but hey i guess its still early !

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Thanks for your feedback bro, could you quickly elaborate? Im not sure i got how that works.

Being a noob sucks. :confused:

Take your project and ask the AI ti split the code into different files, then you should save those files in your folder, and add the imports, ask the ai to help you import

Oh well, i tried that a douzen times but it ended up in a complete mess. Anyway, thanks 4 your suggestion.

I was a mess for me or a few times too, keep trying a smart way to figure it out, for example in my main file folder i´ve created a folder named Nexus_modules where all my other files are imported, and in my main file in imports i simply added

from nexus_modules.account_manager import AccountManager

from nexus_modules.rate_limiters import AdvancedRateLimiter

from nexus_modules.account import Account

from nexus_modules.group_finder import CryptoGroupFinder

from nexus_modules.keyword_manager import KeywordManager

import traceback

from nexus_modules.stats_manager import StatsManager

from nexus_modules.info_tab import InfoTab