Lost everything after update to version 0.45.11

:white_check_mark: Check the forum to ensure the issue hasn’t been reported already
:lady_beetle: Provide a clear description of the bug

After updating to 0.45.11 instead of keeping current config, it just performs a clean install deleting everything!

:arrows_counterclockwise: Explain how to reproduce the bug (if known)

I just followed the link on the message “New Cursor update” you get down left on the interface.

:camera: Attach screenshots or recordings (e.g., .jpg, .png, .mp4).

:computer: Tell us your operating system and your Cursor version (e.g., Windows, 0.x.x).

Versión: 0.45.11
Confirmar: 1.96.2
Fecha: f5f18731406b73244e0558ee7716d77c8096d150
Electron: 2025-02-07T09:43:58.555Z
ElectronBuildId: 32.2.6
Chromium: undefined
Node.js: 128.0.6613.186
V8: 20.18.1
SO: 12.8.374.38-electron.0

:no_entry_sign: Tell us if the issue stops you from using Cursor.

Absolutely, i lost everything!. My notepads, my rules, the docs, Chat history. A fresh install that deleted everything i had!!

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Did you move the folders or delete anything by any chance?

Same here. All my config/plugins are gone too.

May be unrelated, but I did just experience a wild issue where cursor was making my windows 10 system crawl. I mean it was almost unusable, and im only running a demo nextjs application currently.

So I closed cursor, restarted windows, and when i came back… cursor wasn’t installed anywhere on my system, shortcuts were telling me that cursor didnt exist, and I went to installation folder for cursor and it was empty.

I did reinstall, and everything remained the same. But wtf?

I believe this has to do with permissions given to cursor, which can lead to corrupted files and auto deletion of installations when it does not have the required permissions and tries to update itself (which happens automatically when you close it)

Can you try making a fresh install and allow everything it needs?