Moving between computers - best practice

Hi All,

I use Cursor Pro on my desktop and laptop.

I’ve noticed that my Notebooks don’t get saved in the project git repo.

I’m also concerned that my chat history for the project on desktop will not be available to my laptop potentially causing issues.

At minimum I need the notebooks to be saved in the project git repo as I have all the specs in Notebooks. I have been considering just moving my notebooks to .md file and saving them in the src.

What’s the best practice here?


Up, i have a same probs

Hey, unfortunatly there is no good way to transfer composer and chat history across machines!

A good way around this, which also benefits in usual Composer usage, would be to make a file that contains are rough overview of your project, so that you can @ it when you start a new Composer, and also when you need to transfer to a new machine!