Multiroot Workspace and Python Interpreter Path

Hi there, I just switched from VSCode to Cursor and runs into some problems regarding Python interpreter path and multi-root workspace.

I have a monorepo setup like this:

|-- .vscode/vscode.code-workspace
|-- /python_project_a
   |-- .venv/bin/python
|-- /python_project_b
   |-- .vevn/bin/python

And the vscode.code-workspace is configured like this (simplified for readability)

  folders: [
    { path: ../python_project_a },
    { path: ../python_project_b }
  settings: {
    python.defaultInterpreterPath: ${workspaceFolder}/.venv/bin/python

However, Cursor didn’t seem to pick it up at all.

There seems to be two separate problems.

  1. the settings section in .code-workspace file doesn’t seem to be recognized at all. I have other settings than the interpreter path one and it is not reflected when I open the workspace settings from the UI.
  2. I moved this settings section from .vscode/vscode.code-workspace to just .vscode/settings.json. It is then picked up by cursor. When I try to select an interpreter, this default path shows as an option. BUT, when I select this option, it says that it is invalid. It seems that the “${workspaceFolder}” variable is NOT respected and Cursor tries to load from “/reporoot/.venv”.

Does anyone know what is going on? Is this unexpected (a bug)? Or is it how it is as of today (needs a feature request)? Or did I misconfigured something (needs documentation or pointers to existing docs)?

Oh nvm. It seems that I opened the repo-root folder directly when cursor tries to replace my vscode for the first time. I closed it and reopened it by “open workspace from file” then it worked.