What is going on when documents are indexed?
- I must have a local vector-db for the docs.
- My hope is that the docs are being turned into AST before being chunked
- When I add a doc to my prompt, how are you taking the prompt and doing a query of the db?
I would just like some more information on this process. I have been unable to find it on the cursor site or forum. I feel like cursor does not do a good job of finding information in the docs and I am trying to figure out why. I have found a few people that are storing their documents under a .notes folder and referencing the document in their prompts instead of using Docs, but they will loose the benefits of the vector-db and it will only work for small docs (I guess, because I do not even know what happens when I link to a file in my prompt)
It would be nice if what was going on was more exposed and I had the ability to modify the behavior.
FYI: I am sure you already know about it, but this Docling project seems interesting for preparing docs for adding to the vector-db: GitHub - DS4SD/docling: Get your documents ready for gen AI