No suggestion in python code

Hello, can’t find out how to set up suggestions for imports here, in VSCode everything works fine. Not import problem, because I can import it manually or using ai, but I don’t want to use ai to import modules)

Extension Python is installed, python interpreter is selected as virtualenv.

Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 14.01.32

after starting app and changing code see this

[Error - 14:27:04] Request textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta failed.

hah, also they change to pyright cursor everywhere when i want to change language server. Tried to set in setting and settings.json. When restarting they change back to default

Cursor uses it’s own Python language server as they can’t use the MS one. Sadly it has been broken for over 9m despite many reports. Impacts syntax highlighting too.

I want to pay for a subscription but this is a bit of a deal breaker. If anyone here is from the cursor team, please could you prioritise this bugfix.


Thanks for reply.

But it works for many of my colleagues/friends. They don’t have the CursorPyright extension and they use Pylance from ms. So I’m trying to find a solution to switch to Pylance, and turn off the automatic installation of CursorPyright, CursorPython. Unfortunately there is no progress, interestingly the version is the same for my friends, but everything works differently.

Do you know why they can’t use the official tools?