As I’m writing code, I would normally not use special characters outside the english alfabet, but source data doesn’t always agree and so I noticed that Copilot++ seems to ignore these characters we use.
As illustrated in my example, you see letters like “Æ, Ø, Å” being completely ignored in all suggestions made. If I attempt changes with Edit or Chat it works as expected.
In the copilot++ model selector on the bottom right, can you try the main model.
if that still causes issues for you, we will have to wait for a little bit as we improve our models. sadly this is hard because of tokenization and data issues.
Bump. Even the new “Cursor Tab” model still has this issue of constantly suggesting that you delete special characters in code. Happens with ä, Ä, ö, Ö, ü, Ü, ß.
I get that you shouldn’t use these characters in function names etc. but it even wants to remove them from strings. One accidental tab and your whole UI is messed up. Extremely frustrating.