"Open in Composer" option missing in Chat

This was a super helpful button - now not showing in 43.4


Yes where is this it was one of the essential features to transition from chat to composer…
Am a paying customer from the start and downgrading to previous version is a first in all of my software use…Ill wait 24 hours see if a new update will bring it back.

Having to go back a version is not a good look and have you thought of a poll, it lowers the risk

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Same here! Why would they remove this super helpful feature???

1 Like

Same here, I also was hoping to find a way to carry over context from one composer chat to another, because I don’t know if other get this issue, but my composer window keeps getting stuck on generating … after a while (idk if its context window or chat size getting too big) and I have to start a new composer chat and have no way of moving the context over, need to start explaining from scratch :smiling_face_with_tear:

Open composer from Chat and transferring the conversation was a very useful feature. It used to work via Command+I, but it is no longer working.

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Same issue, sometimes when i do the hotkey for composer it appears in a tiny tiny little bar and it doesn’t generate any text or anything, like a free floating waste

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I have two machines - w10 and w11 - else, exact physical same machine.

Cursor 44.9 on w10 has Composer button… w11 does not.

Invoke composer with ctrl+I (i) – and it will pull up the composer window - so as the button is missing, the kbd bindings work…

So I just use that.

Notepads are still wonky and cursor isnt using them properly yet…

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Need to bring this ctrl+i feature back!



CTRL + I → Composer window on Windows10, Cursor 44.9…

However, below is Composers response to:

The onlt “…+ i” command in the keyboard output from composer is “ALT + SHIFT + I”

title: “Cursor Movement & Selection Keybindings”
subtitle: “Common Editor Shortcuts Reference”
date: “r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')”
theme: united
toc: true
toc_float: true
code_folding: show

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Basic Cursor Movement

basic_moves <- data.frame(
  Action = c(
    "Move cursor left",
    "Move cursor right",
    "Move cursor up",
    "Move cursor down",
    "Move to line start",
    "Move to line end",
    "Move to file start",
    "Move to file end"
  Windows = c(
    "Left Arrow",
    "Right Arrow",
    "Up Arrow",
    "Down Arrow",
    "Ctrl + Home",
    "Ctrl + End"
  Mac = c(
    "Left Arrow",
    "Right Arrow",
    "Up Arrow",
    "Down Arrow",
    "Cmd + Left",
    "Cmd + Right",
    "Cmd + Up",
    "Cmd + Down"

kable(basic_moves) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))

Word Navigation

word_nav <- data.frame(
  Action = c(
    "Move word left",
    "Move word right",
    "Select word left",
    "Select word right",
    "Select current word"
  Windows = c(
    "Ctrl + Left",
    "Ctrl + Right",
    "Ctrl + Shift + Left",
    "Ctrl + Shift + Right",
    "Ctrl + D"
  Mac = c(
    "Alt + Left",
    "Alt + Right",
    "Alt + Shift + Left",
    "Alt + Shift + Right",
    "Cmd + D"

kable(word_nav) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))

Selection Operations

selection_ops <- data.frame(
  Action = c(
    "Select character left",
    "Select character right",
    "Select line up",
    "Select line down",
    "Select entire line",
    "Select all",
    "Select to line start",
    "Select to line end"
  Windows = c(
    "Shift + Left",
    "Shift + Right",
    "Shift + Up",
    "Shift + Down",
    "Ctrl + L",
    "Ctrl + A",
    "Shift + Home",
    "Shift + End"
  Mac = c(
    "Shift + Left",
    "Shift + Right",
    "Shift + Up",
    "Shift + Down",
    "Cmd + L",
    "Cmd + A",
    "Cmd + Shift + Left",
    "Cmd + Shift + Right"

kable(selection_ops) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))

Multi-Cursor Operations

multi_cursor <- data.frame(
  Action = c(
    "Add cursor above",
    "Add cursor below",
    "Add cursors to line ends",
    "Add next occurrence",
    "Skip next occurrence",
    "Undo last cursor"
  Windows = c(
    "Ctrl + Alt + Up",
    "Ctrl + Alt + Down",
    "Alt + Shift + I",
    "Ctrl + D",
    "Ctrl + K",
    "Ctrl + U"
  Mac = c(
    "Cmd + Alt + Up",
    "Cmd + Alt + Down",
    "Cmd + Shift + L",
    "Cmd + D",
    "Cmd + K",
    "Cmd + U"

kable(multi_cursor) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))

Page Navigation

page_nav <- data.frame(
  Action = c(
    "Page up",
    "Page down",
    "Scroll line up",
    "Scroll line down",
    "Center current line"
  Windows = c(
    "Ctrl + Up",
    "Ctrl + Down",
    "Ctrl + L"
  Mac = c(
    "Ctrl + PgUp",
    "Ctrl + PgDn",
    "Ctrl + L"

kable(page_nav) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))

Code-Specific Navigation

code_nav <- data.frame(
  Action = c(
    "Go to matching bracket",
    "Go to definition",
    "Go to line",
    "Go to file",
    "Go back",
    "Go forward"
  Windows = c(
    "Ctrl + Shift + \\",
    "Ctrl + G",
    "Ctrl + P",
    "Alt + Left",
    "Alt + Right"
  Mac = c(
    "Cmd + Shift + \\",
    "Cmd + G",
    "Cmd + P",
    "Ctrl + -",
    "Ctrl + Shift + -"

kable(code_nav) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))


  • Keybindings may vary slightly depending on your editor and configuration
  • Some editors allow customization of these shortcuts
  • Mac users: Cmd is equivalent to Command key
  • Windows users: Ctrl is equivalent to Control key


  1. Visual Studio Code Documentation
  2. Sublime Text Documentation
  3. Atom Editor Documentation
  4. JetBrains IDE Documentation

Generated: r format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

but the keybinding just not working the same as “open in composer”… try all of them

I’d like this feature back as well please