Option to delete questions and answers from conversation

Sometimes, I ask a stupid question, or i get a response I was not looking for, and then the conversation is polluted. After spending time successfully leading the conversation in the right direction, it is painful to watch it go down hill lol.

This would be an incredible useful and powerful feature.

Hey @ryanontheinside

If you got an answer you don’t like, you can change it and ask again, instead of continuing the conversation.

Maybe I am not following what you are saying, but it sounds like youre suggesting I just rephrase my question?

I dont want to simply ask a new question or start a new conversation - I want to be able to control the context of my current conversation.

Ah, I understood. Thanks for the suggestion, maybe we’ll consider it in future releases.

yippeee! ty

I would also love to see this feature. I could see it implemented as a toggle for each message in the conversation, or even for files that were previously added.

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