Please fix Could not establish connection to "PC": Failed to download VS Code Server (Server returned 404) in version 0.42.2

I use Windows to connect to Windows at home, using openssh.

It will prompt me “Could not establish connection to “PC”: Failed to download VS Code Server (Server returned 404).”

One of the URLs is invalid:

Cursor version:

Version: 0.42.2
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: c499aee5f16e67815c7dc795ff338dc8ab3e07f0
Date: 2024-10-12T05:39:54.471Z
Electron: 30.4.0
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.15.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.26100

Here is the error log:

PS C:\Users\xydzf> “${uuid}: running”
91ae0a5a15a9: running
PS C:\Users\xydzf> "91ae0a5a15a9: pauseLog
[09:16:15.844] > 91ae0a5a15a9: resumeLog
PS C:\Users\xydzf> main
[09:16:15.870] >
[09:16:15.989] > Looking for existing CLI in C:\Users\xydzf.cursor-server
Downloading cli x64
[09:16:16.000] >
[09:16:16.966] > Download failed. - BlobNotFoundThe specified blob does not exist.
Trigger local server download
Waiting for client to transfer server archive…
Waiting for C:\Users\xydzf.cursor-server\vscode-cli-c499aee5f16e67815c7dc795ff3 and vscode-cli-c499aee5f16e67815c7dc795ff338dc8ab3e07f0.z
zip to exist
[09:16:16.967] Got request to download on client for {“artifact”:“cli-win32-x64”,“destPath”:“C:\Users\xydzf\.cursor-server/”}
[09:16:16.968] server download URL:
[09:16:16.968] Downloading VS Code server locally…
[09:16:16.976] >
[09:16:17.958] Resolver error: Error: Failed to download VS Code Server (Server returned 404)
at m.Create (c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:501230)
at c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:552565
at async t.downloadAndCopyToHost (c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:552065)
at async c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:622773
at async t.tryInstall (c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:623019)
at async c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:582826
at async t.withShowDetailsEvent (c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:586092)
at async k (c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:579713)
at async t.resolve (c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:583503)
at async c:\Users\xydzf.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.113.1\out\extension.js:2:851164
[09:16:17.964] ------

[09:16:18.280] > 91ae0a5a15a9: resumeLog

PS C:\Users\xydzf> main
Looking for existing CLI in C:\Users\xydzf.cursor-server
Downloading cli x64
Download failed. - BlobNotFoundThe specified blob does not exist.
Trigger local server download
Waiting for client to transfer server archive…
Waiting for C:\Users\xydzf.cursor-server\ and to exist

Hi @xydzf520

SSH on Windows isn’t supported at the moment, but the Cursor team has promised to add support.

Please add the Win support!

Hey, Windows support should be available in 0.45, our next update!

In fact, 0.45 did not solve this problem either, so I registered an account to answer with my solution:

Use SSH to log into your Windows host, start PowerShell, and then execute this ps1 script(Please read the script to ensure safety before executing.):

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

This script is a revised version of the script (encoded in base64) that is automatically executed when the cursor connects remotely to a Windows host. In the default script, there was an error in the download address of the server CLI (it should actually end with .zip, but the script had it as .tar.gz). I simply changed this suffix to solve the problem.

I hope the developers can see my post and quickly fix this long-standing issue.

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it worked before the weekend, but now it doesn’t seems to be working any longer, might be something with my setup, but when it did work it was wonderful :slight_smile: But now the setup is back to WSL, but this makes the git plugin and terminal work kinda slow, so instead i have a terminal application i connect to over ssh to the windows machine, and cursor connects to the wsl setup, that seems to be working but i really would enjoy that cursor could connect directly to the windows machine over ssh.

Same error, in the newest version 0.45.9, Cursor is trying to download VS Code commit:cce0110ca40ceb61e76ecea08d24210123895320 which doesn’t even exist – this causes slowness & stalls.

I’m temporarily reverting to 0.44.11 in the meantime.

Add Support for SSH Access to Windows Machines - #6 by getmdiaz here is what helped me :slight_smile: hopefully you can get it working 2.