Premium tools eat my money

Today, I wanted to use Sonnet MAX 3.7 Thinking. I enabled price-based pricing, and it said that using it would cost $0.05. However, after submitting a query, it got stuck in a loop running npm i and he tried to install something completely nonsensical, racking up $0.25 in premium tools usage.



Hey, take a look at this:

probably time to limit tools you dont want to call in the settings. I hate that in every web project 3.7 automatiicaly tries to launch a new python server.


Hey, sorry to hear you’ve had a poor experience!

While many people have reported a solid improvement with Max mode, we still hope to refine and improve on it as users test it out.

If you can, grabbing a request ID for this would be super helpful!

However, regarding the cost, please see what I wrote in the main thread below:

hey danperks, could you check my refund email sent to on March 6 ?I need your help.

I do wonder if it has to be premium tools to deal with sonnet MAX. Couldn’t it be the same tool used for common sonnet?

I really does spend alot. I’ve just run a command that has spent a lot of money and most of it were for tools calls. I think it should get better.

42 premium tool calls * 5 cents per tool call $2.10
1 claude-3.7-sonnet-thinking-max request * 5 cents per such request $0.05

at the end, it’s worth if you don’t care about the price but best possible quality

Yeah… but the point is:

Does it make’s sense to have to pay per each tool call? I am not sure if it does… do you get my point?

Paying for inference does make sense, but API calls… it does not seems like it makes sense… there could be a mix for that.