Pressing Tab at the beginning of a line of code doesn't do anything

Not sure if this is a bug or a settings thing, but for me editing code in Cursor is massive pain all the time.
When I have my cursor at the beginning of a line of code pressing tab doesn’t do anything, same for space bar. Space bar moves the cursor down the line, not indenting the line.
Shift + Space same thing.
I cannot properly edit a line of code or specific characters in that line of code. It’s insane. Please help me!

Hi @lawrencegrig ,

Please feel free to add any relevant information from these steps:

Also, are you on the Hobby, Pro or Business tier?

I think this is for the wrong person/thread

Apologies @lawrencegrig , i mentioned the incorrect user (i have corrected the post now).

The post was intended as a reply to your post - please feel free to add additional troubleshooting information from those steps which may assist in troubleshooting your issue.