I am struggling with an issue with my past chats. I am not sure if it is due to the last update or moving to a new machine (I did them both simultaneously), yet my chat history is no longer there. Each time I restart Cursor, the history is gone. Also, I do not see the ‘More’ tab either, and once again I am not sure if it is on purpose due to the last update or if its just me. I already re-installed it several times but nothing improved.
In terms of the chat history, are you opening the same workspace (project) each time? Cursor chat history is workspace-based, meaning the history is different per workspace. If you are opening the same project, could you please provide a screen recording of the reproduction steps? That would be very helpful!
Also, with regards to the ‘More’ tab, with our latest update, we’ve decided to move all of its contents into the Cursor Settings, which you can open by ctrl/cmd+shift+J or ctrl/cmd+p then “Cursor: Open settings”. All of the previous ‘More’ contents have been moved to the ‘Beta’ tab.
I was able to replicate this issue, although it only retained chat history from the past few hours, after I recreated my virtual environment. @shaoruu will chat history disappear if the virtual env is recreated? Thanks!
I kept restarting Cursor due a Pylance problem, but always had the same workspace open. Some items from the chat history were lost, but older ones are still there. I had been using for 10+ hours Cursor since yesterday, yet I only see 3 chats in the “All chats” history without any filter. Notice how the last 2 chats are not there.