I am not able to use debugger with cursor on my macbook pro M1. The reason is that it is not able to install ms-python.debugpy extenstion. It gives below error:
“The ‘ms-python.debugpy’ extension is not available in Cursor for Linux ARM 64.”
I can install the same extension with vs code without any issues.
Is there a way around this? Cursor is useless without debugging option for me. Please help
anyone have a solution? seeing the same thing.
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October 9, 2024, 6:53pm
Any updates on this? I can’t get debugging python to work.
opened 09:34PM - 27 Jan 24 UTC
Getting python syntax highlighting to apply to newly written code is requiring a… window reload.
- Remote SSH
- Cursor Pyright + ms-python Python
- Amazon Linux 2 (Red Hat)
If I type anything new, eg, `print()` and save the file, the following is logged:
2024-01-27 21:26:27.146 [error] [ms-python.python] provider FAILED
2024-01-27 21:26:27.146 [error] Error: No semantic tokens provided/needed for file:///home/ec2-user/my/python/file.py
at /home/ec2-user/.cursor-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.14.0-universal/out/client/extension.js:2:2308663
at re (/home/ec2-user/.cursor-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.14.0-universal/out/client/extension.js:2:2308957)
at /home/ec2-user/.cursor-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.14.0-universal/out/client/extension.js:2:2303741
at Immediate.<anonymous> (/home/ec2-user/.cursor-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.14.0-universal/out/client/extension.js:2:2303761)
at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:476:21)
<img width="285" alt="image" src="https://github.com/getcursor/cursor/assets/3181512/dfc092bc-8c0d-49ce-a0d5-986c5fb2fbd3">
See the syntax highlighting above not applied to the last two prints.
There is potentially a fix but it’s not that easy.
The error occurs when I connect to a arm64 Linux server with both M1 and M3 Mac.