Python debugger (ms-python.debugpy) not working in cursor macbook M1

I am not able to use debugger with cursor on my macbook pro M1. The reason is that it is not able to install ms-python.debugpy extenstion. It gives below error:
“The ‘ms-python.debugpy’ extension is not available in Cursor for Linux ARM 64.”

I can install the same extension with vs code without any issues.
Is there a way around this? Cursor is useless without debugging option for me. Please help


anyone have a solution? seeing the same thing.

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Any updates on this? I can’t get debugging python to work.

have you tried this: Cursor python vs pylance - #7 by arkaydeus

There is potentially a fix but it’s not that easy.

The error occurs when I connect to a arm64 Linux server with both M1 and M3 Mac.