For some reason, my installation of thinks I have already completed my onboarding, but I haven’t. Is there a way to re-trigger the onboarding experience? Or something similar?
I think you need to fully uninstall and then reinstall.
But this could also be reworded to a feature request to put an item in use the ctrl-shift-p menu to do this (the feature might be accompanied with an internal reset warning)
I did this by closing the current window (CMD + W) and then used File → open recent → cursor tutor to open the welcome guide again.
Unfortunately, this does not work.
I accidentally skipped some step in the onboarding process, and I cannot even see what I may have missed. Maybe installing some recommended extensions or a similar thing, not sure.
So I removed the Cursor app in the (macOS) Applications folder, I removed everything related to the app that I could find in my ~/Library folder and I even created a new account on the Cursor homepage.
After reinstalling, it still shows “20% done” in the WELCOME section and the first step “Finish onboarding” is checked and striked out. The hint just says “you already clicked through onboarding”.
I wonder where the onboarding/welcome status is actually stored and how I can repeat / restart the process.
Like Vorn has also mentioned, simple reinstallation doesn’t seem to work. I also tried removing some extra files (Also in ~/Library, I believe) like they mentioned to try my best to erase its memory. But it still remembered its previous state.
Well, it has been a while, and I can no longer see a cursor tutor in my “open recent” dialog anymore.
So, it seems I actually did not miss some step, At least I installed Cursor on a different system and there was no additional step I did not have before. You always get a “20%” mark when you look at the UI for the first time. Also, I hat problems adapting my VSCode settings and extensions which made reinstallation necessary.
BUT creating new accounts on the Cursor website was a mistake: now Cursor on the primary computer complains about multiple accounts being used (having been used) on the computer, and blocks the cmd-L and cmd-K functions in order to “prevent abuse”. This is unfortunate as I never actually tried those functions, only Tab. I hope the support will help me with this.