Refund in order to re-subscribed with difference payment

Hello Regarding a payment issue, I had previously stated to this topic and the @moderators here.

My cursor subscription needs to be claimed as business expenses rather than personal ones because it’s difficult to get reimbursed. Therefore, I need to get a refund in order to continue being subscribed at the company’s expense.

In any case, I appreciate the utility of the editor and plan to keep my subscription active for a very long time. Please assist in getting this resolved more quickly.

Hey, got luck? Just bought a whole year accidentally and i want to change it to monthly sub.

Happy to offer a refund for this, what are your account details?

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I have been getting double charged for almost a year. I have emailed in and also messaged on the discord. How can I resolve this?

Thank you Amanrs, just saw this! Can I write you in pvt?

Apparently not, so please tell me what details do you need so you can help me?

Hi, may I know your email? I’ll get you in the comm. loop.

The second admin that says he’ll help, then nothing. First mail and silence, now here.