Remote - SSH is only supported in Microsoft versions of VS Code

I am trying to use Cursor to connect VM, but I received the following error. However, I can connect VM via VS Code with the same config. Anyone knows how to fix it?

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I encounter the same problem every time I attempt an SSH connection.

Hi @stephengineer,

I am afraid we don’t support SSHing into Mac or Windows machines currently.

I am sorry for the trouble.


Hi @petros,

Thank you for your response. However, my SSH host is a Linux machine, not Mac or Windows. I’m still experiencing issues when trying to connect. Could you provide further assistance?

Oh I see, yes, a Linux host should work. Are you on the latest version of Cursor? What’s your OS?

Also had this exact error just now after installing and trying Cursor for the first time, with all VSCode extensions automatically ported. Reloading the extension solved my problem, in case that’s useful.

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Hey Petros,
I am visiting a Linux VM via my Macbook with Cursor Version: 0.42.3.

[Error  - 01:45:42.210] Error resolving authority
Error: Couldn't install vscode server on remote server, install script returned non-zero exit status
	at t.installCodeServer (/Users/stephen/.cursor/extensions/
	at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
	at async /Users/stephen/.cursor/extensions/

I installed extension: Open Remote - SSHv0.0.46
If I install Remote-SSH, I will get the error I posted initially.

I wanted to let you know that reloading the extension resolved my issue as well. Additionally, I recently installed Cursor for the first time, and the Remote SSH extension was automatically imported.

Thank you for the additional details @stephengineer. I have looked around for prior art, and I see that some folks could clear that specific error by removing the .cursor-server folder on their remote machine/VM. Could you try that (assuming there is such a folder)?

hi folks, what does reloading the extension mean?
I tried disable/enable the extension in cursor, but still same issue.
@qlquanle @NovaPulse

I tried uninstalling the extension, and it worked.

Sorry, I found that it was because I installed the open remote-ssh and uninstalled remote-ssh. One discovery is that the former seems to be difficult to find in the VScode, and I installed it through cursor.

Solved my problem in Ubuntu. I also imported all configs from VSCode and when ssh connecting to remote server Cursor reports that error. Uninstalling the Remote-SSH extension and let Cursor automatically install while starting an ssh connection fixed it. The error message is misleading by the way.

neither search open remote ssh, nor drag drop vsix file, nor let cursor install “Open Remote SSH” works. seems it was gone.

Version: 0.43.6
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: a846435528b4b760494a836f96f0739889253530
Date: 2024-12-06T05:11:55.168Z (1 wk ago)

I had the same problem but now seems it works (Win 11 → Centos 7). I just installed cursor yesterday and all extensions were automatically ported. My solution is to uninstall ‘Remote-SSH’ and ‘Remote Development’ on both VSCode and cursor, and install ‘WSL’ on cursor. I’m not sure whethere its all the same, but at least I can connect and develop on the server.

I noticed that Remote - SSH extension is now supported in the latest version of Corsor. May I ask how this was done.

had the same problem. basically installed cursor, imported all of my extensions from vscode and tried to connect to my ssh, and it showed me the error. what i did was uninstall the remote - ssh extension and let cursor install whatever it needs when connecting to the ssh machine, and after that it worked.

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You can get it to work by installing a version from before when Microsoft began blocking its use on third party apps. v0.113.1 is the latest version I was able to get working, which can be downloaded from here:

Try restarting Cursor. I had the same issues.

All I had to do was quit and restart Cursor and it worked as expected.
No need to remove/reinstall any extensions here thankfully.