Remove public docs from Cursor

Hello everyone,

I would like to be able to delete published documents for the entire team, since when you change computers you lose control of the documents, even being an admin of the organization.

Reviewing the operation a bit, I saw calls to the private APIs:


Would it be possible to use them to list the public docs and delete them?
Would it be possible to do it from the IDE or the web section?

Related: Way to remove added docs? - #6 by truell20


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Hey, I do think you’ve identified something we don’t have support for yet, but definitely should!

I’ve added this to our internal feedback tracker, as this is probably something we want to add support for.


It would be great, for now we are solving it by creating a new document but it is quite annoying to see the rest that are deprecated or useless because they are tests and we no longer have control.

Thank you so much! :people_hugging:

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