Response in Chinese

This may be an issue with ChatGPT, but I’ve never experienced this using their web or desktop app. I asked a question in English, which included AI-generated text, and I received an answer in Chinese. There are no Chinese text or characters in my codebase.

My prompt:

When I get responses back from the AI model, there’s quite a bit of formatting embedded in the text that isn’t covered by my app. Can you address this? I’m not sure what sort of markup this is, but surely it’s some sort of standard? I want to be sure my app comprehensively adheres to all formatting. Here’s an example of a response which has only partially-formatted text:

Certainly! Variable elimination is an algorithm used for exact inference in Bayesian networks. It works by systematically eliminating variables to simplify the computation of the posterior probabilities. Here’s a step-by-step summary of how to use variable elimination:

Steps Involved in Variable Elimination

Identify Query and Evidence Variables:

  • Let (X) be the query variable.
  • Let (e) be the set of evidence variables with their observed values.
  • Let (Y) be the set of hidden variables (neither query nor evidence variables).


  • List out factors for the conditional probability tables (CPTs) corresponding to the query, evidence, and hidden variables.

Factor Reduction with Evidence:

  • Incorporate the evidence (e) into the factors by setting the values of evidence variables and reducing the dimensions of the factors accordingly.

Variable Ordering:

  • Choose an ordering for the sequence in which you will eliminate the hidden variables (Y). This ordering can greatly affect the efficiency of the algorithm.

Eliminate Hidden Variables:

  • For each hidden variable in the chosen ordering:
  • Multiply all factors that include the current hidden variable to form a joint factor.
  • Sum out (marginalize) the hidden variable from this joint factor to produce a new factor that no longer depends on it.
  • Replace the original factors involving the hidden variable with this new factor.

Multiplication of Remaining Factors:

  • After all hidden variables have been eliminated, multiply the remaining factors. These should now only depend on the query variable (X) and possibly evidence variables (E) (though the evidence variables should be fixed at this point).


  • Normalize the resulting distribution so that it sums to 1. If the query involves multiple query variables, the resulting factor provides the joint distribution of these variables.

Detailed Example

Let’s work through a small example to clarify these steps:

Given Bayesian Network

Assume a Bayesian network with three variables (A), (B), and (C), where:
(P(A)) is the prior probability of (A).

(P(B|A)) is the conditional probability of (B) given (A).

(P(C|A)) is the conditional probability of (C) given (A).

We want to compute the posterior (P(A | b, c)), given (B = b) and (C = c).

Step-by-Step Execution:

Identify Query, Evidence, and Hidden Variables:

  • Query variable (X = A)
  • Evidence variables (E = {B = b, C = c})
  • There are no hidden variables in this specific simple network, but we’ll proceed with the elimination steps as if there were potential hidden variables.


  • Factors: (f_1(A) = P(A)), (f_2(B|A)), and (f_3(C|A)).

Incorporate Evidence:

  • Set (B = b) and (C = c): This reduces (f_2) and (f_3) to specific values based on the observed evidence.

Multiplication of Relevant Factors:

  • Combine these factors into one joint factor. Since both (B) and (C) depend on (A):
    f(A) = P(A) \cdot P(b|A) \cdot P(c|A).

Summing Out Hidden Variables:

  • There are no additional hidden variables to sum out in this simple network.


  • The resulting factor has only the query variable (A). Normalize this factor to get the final posterior distribution:
    P(A | b, c) = \alpha P(A) \cdot P(b|A) \cdot P(c|A),
    where (\alpha) is a normalizing constant to ensure the probabilities sum to 1.

General Algorithm (Pseudocode)

Here is the pseudocode for the variable elimination algorithm as provided:

function ELIMINATION-ASK(X, e, bn):
returns a distribution over X
X, the query variable
e, observed values for variables E
bn, a Bayesian network with variables vars
factors ←
for each V in ORDER(vars) do:
factors ← [MAKE-FACTOR(V, e)] + factors
if V is a hidden variable then:
factors ← SUM-OUT(V, factors)

Explanation of Key Functions:

MAKE-FACTOR(V, e): Generates a factor for variable (V) incorporating evidence (e).

SUM-OUT(V, factors): Sums out the variable (V) from the list of factors.

POINTWISE-PRODUCT(factors): Computes the product of a list of factors.

NORMALIZE(factors): Normalizes the final factor to ensure it is a valid probability distribution.


By following these steps, variable elimination systematically reduces the complexity of the Bayesian network inference problem, making it manageable even for networks with a considerable number of variables. The main computational challenges are related to the size of the intermediate factors, which depends on the variable elimination ordering and the network structure.

The response:




1. 使用Markdown解析库



  • marked.js: 一个快速、可扩展的Markdown解析器。

  • Showdown: 一个流行的JavaScript Markdown到HTML转换库。



 <!-- 在<head>部分添加 -->

 <script src=""></script>


 // 假设你有一个元素用于显示AI的回复,例如:
 const explanationTextElement = document.getElementById('explanation-text');
 // 修改显示AI回复的部分
 async function sendToChatGPT(prompt) {
 // ... 你的API调用逻辑 ...
 // 假设 `responseText` 是从API获取的Markdown文本
 const responseText = data.choices[0].message.content;
 // 使用marked解析Markdown
 explanationTextElement.innerHTML = marked.parse(responseText);
 // 如果有需要,添加到历史记录等
 addToHistory('explain', text, null, responseText);

2. 渲染数学公式



  • KaTeX: 一个快速的LaTeX数学公式渲染库。

  • MathJax: 一个功能强大的JavaScript数学显示引擎。



 <!-- 在<head>部分添加 -->
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 <script defer src=""></script>
 <script defer src=""



 async function sendToChatGPT(prompt) {
 // ... 你的API调用逻辑 ...
 const responseText = data.choices[0].message.content;
 // 使用marked解析Markdown
 explanationTextElement.innerHTML = marked.parse(responseText);
 // 渲染数学公式
 if (typeof renderMathInElement === 'function') {
 renderMathInElement(explanationTextElement, {
 // 配置选项(根据需要调整)
 delimiters: [
 {left: "\\(", right: "\\)", display: false},
 {left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true}
 addToHistory('explain', text, null, responseText);

3. 安全性考虑



  • DOMPurify: 一个快速、健壮的客户端XSS过滤库。



 <!-- 在<head>部分添加 -->
 <script src=""></script>


 async function sendToChatGPT(prompt) {
 // ... 你的API调用逻辑 ...
 const responseText = data.choices[0].message.content;
 // 使用marked解析Markdown
 let rawHtml = marked.parse(responseText);
 // 使用DOMPurify清理HTML
 let cleanHtml = DOMPurify.sanitize(rawHtml);
 explanationTextElement.innerHTML = cleanHtml;
 // 渲染数学公式
 if (typeof renderMathInElement === 'function') {
 renderMathInElement(explanationTextElement, {
 delimiters: [
 {left: "\\(", right: "\\)", display: false},
 {left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true}
 addToHistory('explain', text, null, responseText);

4. 处理代码块



  • highlight.js: 一个可自动检测语言的语法高亮库。



 <!-- 在<head>部分添加 -->
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 <script src=""></script>


 async function sendToChatGPT(prompt) {
 // ... 你的API调用逻辑 ...
 const responseText = data.choices[0].message.content;
 // 使用marked解析Markdown
 let rawHtml = marked.parse(responseText);
 // 使用DOMPurify清理HTML
 let cleanHtml = DOMPurify.sanitize(rawHtml);
 explanationTextElement.innerHTML = cleanHtml;
 // 渲染数学公式
 if (typeof renderMathInElement === 'function') {
 renderMathInElement(explanationTextElement, {
 delimiters: [
 {left: "\\(", right: "\\)", display: false},
 {left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true}
 // 高亮代码块
 addToHistory('explain', text, null, responseText);

5. 总结



  • 引入必要的库:marked.js、KaTeX或MathJax、highlight.js、DOMPurify。

  • 修改渲染逻辑:使用marked解析Markdown,使用DOMPurify消毒HTML,使用KaTeX或MathJax渲染数学公式,使用highlight.js高亮代码块。

  • 测试不同格式:确保各种Markdown格式在应用中正确显示和渲染。


 <!-- 其他内容 -->
 <script src=""></script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 <script defer src=""></script>
 <script defer src=""
 <script src=""></script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 <script src=""></script>



1 Like

Oh, and I was using o1-mini as my selected model, and had included my codebase as context in my query, since this was the first message in the conversation.

I had the same issue when using o1-mini.