Hi, thanks for reporting an issue with Cursor.
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Describe the Bug
I updated cursor and suddenly Rust Analyzer wont work… It just goes back to start where you have to use if you wanna use system or windows or max or what system to compile for…
I checked permissions not the problem…
I downloaded a new version of the app Image,…
It was one version behind… and it worked fine it scanned my entire library… no problem
Then I pressed the upgrade cursor… And again… Cant scan anything … and generally it seem like it have a hard time reading my file system… or editing files… rename, delete etc TAkes forever…
Steps to Reproduce
Download cursor…
Download Rust analyzer
Update cursor.
Expected Behavior
Operating System
Current Cursor Version (Menu → About Cursor → Copy)
Version: 0.44.0
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: e0d6a482c1e7a40f2035787bab666c4487b116d0
Date: 2024-12-18T03:44:12.836Z
Electron: 30.5.1
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.16.0
OS: Linux x64 6.11.0-13-generic
Additional Information
Ubuntu 24.10 all software is updated to latest versions…
I have node 22.12 installed on my system
Not sure if that makes a difference… and latest versions of rustc.
Thanks for the report! We’ve already identified and fixed this, and a new update should be available soon (0.44.2 or above) that resolve this!
Okay It was like it run a few hours … Then it locks down again… I have to restart app… then it might run… or I have to Change Rust analyzer to emulate linux and then back to system emulation again… And then it worked… and 2 times I had to download a new app Image… But now IT IS TOTALLY broken again … I Cant do anything…
Also everytime Rust-Analyzer breaks, it also stops being able to communicate with cursor server… Like no index and no chats… So I think that some process cursor does fuck up the read and write permissions inside the app image or whatever… Because nothing in the folders in home changes… But I know nothing about appImages so just talking bullshit…
Our updates usually roll out over the space of a few days, so it’s possible you haven’t got our latest one which we think should fix this.
Can you try to download the latest version manually from here, and test it then:
Let me know how you get on!
I even write in the mail that I done that several times 2 times today… Last time an hour ago… But no new version
It is not fixed… I think it might also could be related to if I edit or add a file through ubuntu to my folder where I edit code… That it then encounter problems… I am not certain… I not understood the pattern yet… But it is definitely tied to indexing, and permissions… last time it happen and now my system is locked down again… Cant do anything… I copied a backup in of a file it had erased wrongly… and now it can not index or chat or anything… but not certain what the reason is…
IT is not tied to anything I do…
I just had it happend again… This time I only written with composer… I am thinking it might be a conflict between Index and Composer, seem like index can not keep up with Composer. And then suddenly when index need to update, after that it breaks, but still not 100% but it is connected to a bug I can see other post… your implementation of Composer is also a plugin into VS code … and it seem like ALL plugins suddenly can not be activated and write data…
Update:: So in Command palette … You can restart Extension Host…
This gives a lot of errors and then it ask you reload Cursor…
After this You can then Update Rust Analyzer and and Cursor Composer, And it seem to work again… For a while … So the problem is Extension Host get into a locked state because of something with Cursor Composer… At-least with the information I have…
Update:: Rust analyzer inside the app image is making filelock…
rm -rf ~/.cargo/registry/index/* ~/.cargo/.package-cache
This commands remove it so I can run cargo commands on my computer but still not in cursor…
I see two settings in cursor Is creating Errors… Not sure how to solve those…
"window.commandCenter": 1,
Says it should be a boolean, but if it set it to true. Nothing changes…
“rust-analyzer.debug.sourceFileMap”: {},
Debug message is it should be set to auto but that does not help…