Should .git/ and .github/ be added to .cursorignore?

  1. Open Cursor Settings (Ctrl + Shift + J)
  2. Click on Features
  3. Scroll to the Codebase indexing area
  4. Click on Show settings

In the Ignore files section it says:

Configure the files that Cursor will ignore when indexing your repository (in addition to your .gitignore)

There is then a text link Configured ignored files.

Clicking on that text link creates a file in current folder named .cursorignore.

My question is:

  • My current .gitignore file does not contain entries for .git/ or .github/

  • (I believe .git is prevented from being pushed to GitHub by default?)

  • My .github folder contains a workflows folder that contains a yml file for a GitHub Action that was created automatically by Azure when linking the repo to the Azure Web App

  • Should I manually add .git/ and .github/ to the .cursorignore file so that those folders are not included in the codebase indexing?