Hi – I had to uninstall and then reinstall cursor recently on my computer, and when trying to reinstall it, I’m getting an error that the installation cannot be completed because ffmpeg.dll does not exist (on Windows 11).
I’ve tried reinstalling VS Code and also installing Electron.js, but neither has helped; I’ve got an old ffmpeg.dll file in one of my python directories, but I’m not even sure where Cursor is looking for this file. Anyone else have this issue?
Issue solved by completely deleting / uninstalling Cursor and reinstalling it.
Hey, this sounds like a corrupted installation, as all of Cursor’s dependencies should be shipped within the distribution, we don’t rely on the user to have FFMPEG installed themselves!
Glad you’ve sorted it, but if you see it again, do let us know!
I further found out this doesn’t require a cursor app reinstall. Seems to some sort of linking issue, where if we have pinned cursor to the windows dock/taskbar. This link is the one which is getting corrupted. When you open cursor from start menu, search or command line it is opening fine. It throws the ffmpeg error only when trying to open from the taskbar icon.
Fix: Remove the taskbar icon (unpin), open cursor from start menu/command line/search. Repin the icon after this.