SSH still not working

I am unable to connect to remote machines that use Windows or MacOS through ssh. For both remotes, it seems like the cursor-server blob does not exist. I’ve opened two different issues on Github, one for connecting to MacOS remote and another for connecting to a Windows remote since the latter only started having issues later on. However, neither has gotten attention so I am posting here as well in hopes that someone will see it.

Link to open issues:


We don’t yet have support for SSH into Windows / MacOS machines. We’ll work to get to this as soon as we can, but we have limited engineering resources and am not yet sure of our timeline here unfortunately :frowning:

Any updates on this?

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@lxe are you trying to connect to windows or mac remote?

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Do you guys have any updates on this? would really like to have the ability to use SSH into windows, most of our projects need this setup. Out entire team/company is ready to jump over to cursor but because of this we cant yet :frowning:

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Hey, it seems there’s already one, but it’s only for Mac for now. It might be available for Windows soon.

Can you share more about your setup? Is this Windows 11 with SSH enabled? Are you using WSL?

Sure, i can explain it,

Most of our developers work on a mac, so what we do atm is we use vs code with remote ssh into a windows 11 machine, this way we have all access to the file system directly from the code editor. the reason we do it this way is because we work on older .net framework that isnt possible to install on a mac.

The machines we connect to are Windows 11, with SSH enabled.

All 8 developers want to start using cursor with remote ssh, but that doesn’t seem to work because of the plugin, its trying to download vs code server.

Is there a way around it? Does cursor have its own plugin that works like remote ssh?

i know there are other ways around it by setting stuff up on windows and mac or even using a sftp mount program but its not as good as having everything ready and good to go straight in the code editor.

Thanks for the details. I will try to reproduce this setup and see if we can add Windows support.

In the mean time, you can explore if it may be possible to setup WSL2 with ssh and connect to that instead?

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So i tried WSL2, had to configure it on the windows 11 machine but once i got it all up and running it seems to be working… so now i can get our setup working. now i just need to do this for 7 other machines and see if it works in the long run.

Would still love to have clean/pure windows ssh support since its alot easyer to get it up and running in a fast way, even tho i am sure once i do it a couple of times it will be as easy.

Would be smart to let people know that if they are trying to use ssh to windows with ssh on windows, that they should try use WSL2 this way they have a work around for it until there is official support for windows ssh, maybe even have a tiny fast guide for them.

Thanks for the tip tho :slight_smile: